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Common Injuries

Heel Pain  |  Ankle Injuries  |  Stress Related Pain

Heel Pain-Plantar Fasciitis

One of the most common conditions I have seen in the practice since March this year with advent of Covid -19 has been Heel pain or plantar fasciitis. This may be because many people started to walk much more while in lock down, as they were allowed to exercise outside


Heel pain first thing in the morning which generally improves with movement or when ones gets up from sitting down either after working at your desk or when relaxing at home. Good Assessment is the key to effective treatment.



How long you have had the problem, Where does it hurt and When does it happen 


You will also be asked to perform some movements and to stand so that she can see how you take weight on your feet. If you wear orthotics be sure to bring them with you

Typical Treatment

Having found the source of the problem, I will explain the treatment options open to you. Typical treatment usually consists of either ultrasound or acupuncture followed by rehabilitation exercises to be carried out at home. It is important to do any home programme you are given as this will speed your  recovery & reduce the number of treatments required 

Ankle Injuries

Ankle sprains are the most common ankle injuries. It occurs when the ligaments are streteched beyond their capability and it results in a tear. Generally this results in a discomfort while you are walking or being unable to bear weight through the ankle.


Usually this is a soft tissue injury often caused by the ankle twisting inwards (most common) or outwards. If for example the ankle twists inward, it will cause damage to the lateral ligaments. There may be bruising, swelling and it will most likely be painful to touch. Ankle sprains can be different in severity as indicated by different symptoms. Someone with an ankle injury may feel pain when they put their foot to the ground. If the injury is really severe they may not be ale to walk at all and this may be due to a possible fracture/dislocation which will require an X-Ray

Typical Treatment

I most commonly use Acupuncture for Ankle Injuries Treatment. The patient will be advised not to put much weight on the injured ankle before being treated in order to minimize further damage. You may be advised to put cold (ice) on the ankle & raise it up on a stool to bring the swelling down.

Having explained the treatment & got the patient’s consent acupuncture needles which are single use disposable ones, will be inserted around into acupuncture points in the foot and ankle. As soon as the swelling has gone down & the patient can walk comfortably the therapist will start them on a dynamic rehabilitation programme to strengthen the ankle. This will help to prevent re- ocurrence

Stress Related Pain

We know preventative maintenance works for cars and machinery, but what about the human body. Do we really need to do anything except feed it, wash it exercise it and rest? 

Does the body really need routine maintenance? If so how can it help? The pressures, stresses, strains & traumas of everyday life can affect how we feel in our bodies.


Some of stress include the following


  • A foggy mind
  • A downbeat rather than cheerful optimistic outlook
  • A lack of interest or desire to learn


  • Aches and pains 
  • Fitful sleep 
  • Low energy

Typical Treatment

Kinesiology addresses the whole person. Anything which corrects any part of us corrects the whole person. It balances the energy around the body and can give relief to a clients mental and physical tensions.



Triple Therapies Practice,
3 Stephens Court,
Stephen Street,
Sligo, F91 A090

  • Car parking close by
  • Local Bus stop close by
  • Situated within Sligo town
  • No stairs to negotiate

Formerly Sligo Acupuncture & Physiotherapy Practice


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