Systematic Kinesiology is a system of holistic natural healthcare which combines muscle testing with the principles of Acupuncture to assess energy and body function.
Kinesiologists have recognised the value of working in harmony with the energies of the body which flow in channels called Meridians.
Kinesiology uses many of the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine but does not use needles to move the energy.
Systematic Kinesiology works in a very non-intrusive manner.
As a practitioner, I will put your arms and legs in different positions and test by applying light pressure to them. Once the assessment is complete, any imbalances found will be corrected by using different gently techniques. I may give you some helpful nutritional advice as well as suggesting exercises for you to do at home.
SK deals with the whole person Mental, Chemically, Physically and Energetically. All the parts of our body are interrelated. We cannot affect one part of the body without affecting the whole.
According to Brian Butler – “Kinesiology incorporates the best of East and West. The Orientals have understood for five thousand years, some wonderful and amazing facts about the body and how it works ”